
The 2024 United States Senate election in Montana will be held on November 5, 2024.  The seat is currently held by Jon Tester.

The two leading candidates are Jon Tester – Democrat and Tim Sheehy– Republican.

Jon Tester is seeking a fourth term in office. This race is one of three Democratic-held U.S. Senate seats up for election in 2024 in states Donald Trump won in both the 2016 and 2020 presidential elections, alongside Ohio and West Virginia. Tester’s re-election is considered essential for Democrats’ chances to retain the Senate majority in 2024.[1] Primary elections took place on June 4, 2024. The last time Republicans won this seat was in 2000.

OnAir Post: 2024 MT Senate Race


Tester and Sheehy in first Senate debate
Daily Montanan, Blair MillerJune 10, 2024

Tester touts years of bipartisan work while Sheehy says new blood needed in goverment

The first debate between Democratic U.S. Sen Jon Tester and Republican challenger Tim Sheehy on Sunday showed the two candidates sticking to the central themes of their campaigns – Tester as a Big Sandy farmer who works across the aisle to get things done for Montana, and Sheehy as a political newcomer and former U.S. Navy SEAL who says Tester and the old guard in Washington, D.C., have failed and new leadership is needed.

While those themes have been pushed heavily by both campaigns for nearly a year, the debate at Fairmont Hot Springs, hosted by the Montana Broadcasters Association, provided Montanans their first chance to see how the two who will be at the top of the Senate ticket in November differ when it comes to policy and not just personality.

Both men agreed on some facets of running the government and policies that would benefit Montana. But Tester showed the work he has done on both a bipartisan and partisan basis to pass legislation he said supports Montanans. Sheehy underscored his military background and entrepreneurship to say why he, with no prior political experience, should be one of 100 Americans deciding how to address issues like abortion, immigration, housing affordability, health care, military spending and foreign aid.

November’s race may decide Senate control
NPR News, Shaylee RagarJune 4, 2024

Republican Tim Sheehy won his party’s nomination to run for Montana’s U.S. Senate seat on Tuesday, according to a race call by The Associated Press.

Sheehy, a former Navy Seal and entrepreneur, is a political newcomer taking on incumbent Democratic Sen. Jon Tester in November. He addressed his lack of legislative experience head on at a dinner with Montana Republicans earlier this year.

“I’ve been criticized by a lot of people, some in this room [who ask], ‘who the hell is this guy? He’s never been in office before. What does he think he’s doing running for Senate?’ ” he said.



Montana is generally considered a red state at the federal level, voting for Republican candidates in each presidential election starting in 1996, when Bob Dole beat Bill Clinton by nearly 3 percentage points in a three-way race with Ross Perot. Since then, GOP candidates have won the White House race in the state by double digits in every race except in 2008. As of May 2024, Republicans control both of Montana’s U.S. House seats, the other U.S. Senate seat, both houses of the state legislature, and the governorship.

In the most recent presidential election, in 2020, Donald Trump beat Joe Biden in Montana by 56.92% to 40.55%. Despite the state’s heavy partisan lean in favor of the Republican Party, Tester is popular among his constituents. Because of this and Montana’s historical inclination to ticket-split, the race is considered to be a tossup. Most polls show Tester to be leading or nearly even.

Source: Wikipedia

Web Links

Jon Tester

Current Position: US Senator since 2007
Affiliation: Democrat
Former Position: State Senator from 1996 – 2006
Other Positions:   Chair, Defense Subcommittee -Appropriations Committee

In 1978, Tester graduated from the University of Providence with a B.A. in music. Tester  worked for two years as a music teacher in the Big Sandy School District before returning to his family’s farm and custom butcher shop. He and his wife continue to operate the farm; in the 1980s, they switched from conventional to organic farming.

Tester spent five years as chairman of the Big Sandy School Board of Trustees and was also on the Big Sandy Soil Conservation Service (SCS) Committee and the Chouteau County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) Committee.

Jon believes in holding himself accountable to the highest standards possible, and he has improved transparency at all levels of government.  In fact, Jon was the first senator to post his daily public schedule online (from website).

Shutdown a symptom of Washington dysfunction

OnAir Post: Jon Tester – MT

Tim Sheehy

Tim Sheehy is a father, husband, combat veteran, a patriot, and an entrepreneur. He completed several deployments and hundreds of missions as a Navy SEAL Officer and Team Leader, deploying to Iraq, Afghanistan, South America, and the Pacific region. Sheehy was involved in dozens of engagements with enemy forces, earning him multiple combat decorations, including the Bronze Star with Valor for Heroism in Combat and the Purple Heart Medal.

Party: Republican Party
Spouse: Carmen Sheehy
Children: 4
Education: Naval Academy
Business: Founder Bridger Aerospace


Jon Tester

Source: Government Site


Jon holds himself, Washington, and corporations accountable to the people of Montana. He is a staunch believer that sunlight ensures accountability, and he has fought for transparency at all levels of government.

Jon is a founding member of the Senate Transparency Caucus and has introduced legislation to increase transparency across the federal government, including a bill to make all government contracts over $150,000 public, and crack down on fraud and abuse of government travel cards.

Jon is also leading the fight to bring more transparency to our campaigns, and he is pushing to end the flow of dark money flooding our elections.

For his efforts, Jon was awarded the prestigious James Madison Award for fighting for greater transparency in government and public access to government information.

Civil Rights

Civil Liberties

Jon believes strongly in protecting Montanans’ right to bear arms and right to privacy. He has voted to protect Americans against all forms of federal government overreach that violate these precious Constitutional freedoms.

As a gun owner, Jon has voted against legislation that would violate Montanans’ Second Amendment rights and hinder the ability of law-abiding citizens to purchase and own a gun.

Jon also fought hard to repeal the most intrusive aspects of the PATRIOT Act, which he believes violate Montanans’ right to privacy, while pushing back against those who try to undermine the Fourth Amendment.

Jon has also introduced legislation to expand civil liberties for law-abiding Americans and has opposed efforts to allow Internet Service Providers to collect and sell people’s private web browsing histories.


Campaign Finance

Calling the U.S. Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision one of the most irresponsible in history, Jon is fighting back against outside special interests that try to influence Montana’s elections.

Since the days of the Copper Kings, Montana has rejected the notion that our democracy is for sale. In 2012, nearly 75 percent of Montanans voted to say that corporations should not be able to spend unlimited amounts of money trying to influence our elections.

As a result, Jon is sponsoring multiple bills to shine a light on the dark money groups that tries to influence our elections-including a Constitutional Amendment that overturns Citizens United and declares once and for all that corporations aren’t people.

Jon also voluntarily files his campaign finance reports online, which increases transparency and saves taxpayers money.

Jon is following in the footsteps of the Montanans who over a century ago told corporations that our elections aren’t for sale, and he will work with anyone who is willing to clean up the nation’s broken campaign finance system and return our democracy to the people.



As the U.S. Senate’s only working farmer, Jon knows that agriculture is the backbone of Montana’s economy.

Jon farms the same land in northcentral Montana that his grandparents homesteaded over a century ago, and he understands firsthand the challenges facing family farmers and ranchers.

As a member of the Senate’s Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Jon knows Montana producers need a Farm Bill that strengthens safety nets and allows family farms and ranches to survive periods of low commodity prices. The Farm Bill needs to be a tool that farmers and ranchers can use to increase competition in the marketplace, invest in new research, and increase access to ports along the northern border.

Jon is also fighting to expand access to markets so farmers can sell their products in countries like China and Cuba while maintaining and expanding market access in Mexico and Canada. Jon is committed to working with the Administration on trade agreements that meet the needs of producers while keeping jobs here in Montana.

Jon is also fighting to cut taxes for Montana’s farmers and ranchers, ensuring that they can keep their equipment up to date.

Above all, Jon is fighting to ensure Montana producers have access to the resources they need to grow their bottom lines, strengthen their communities, and pass down their operations to the next generation—just like Jon hopes to pass his farm down to his grandkids.


Economy & Jobs

Jon has a common sense, made-in-Montana plan to strengthen the state’s economy and create good-paying jobs for folks across the Big Sky Country.

Jon’s #EmployMT plan will open new markets to Montana businesses, pave the way for innovation at our colleges and universities, invest in our state’s workforce, and responsibly develop Montana’s natural resources.

Another fundamental part of Jon’s plan is cutting regulations to ensure Montana’s businesses have access to capital so they can continue to grow and create jobs.

Jon is also fighting to strengthen our outdoor economy, which has been a huge area for job growth over the last decade and currently sustains more than 70,000 jobs throughout our state each year.

And, as part of his #Montennials initiative, Jon is pushing to improve economic prospect for Montana’s young folks, so they can start their own careers in the Treasure State.

Additionally, Jon has hosted over a dozen Small Business Opportunity Workshops across the state to connect entrepreneurs with resources to start and grow their operations.



Jon believes public education is the foundation of America’s democracy. As a former public school student, teacher, and school board member, Jon knows how important access to a quality public education is to Montana’s rural way of life—and that begins as early as pre-kindergarten. From Glendive to Ravalli County, Jon has secured millions of dollars to support Montana’s Head Start programs, ensuring that Montana kids have the tools they need to thrive right out of the gate.

Jon is committed to ensuring schools in Montana and across rural America can recruit and retain top-notch teachers. In order to boost teacher recruitment in rural Montana, Jon introduced the Rural Educator Support and Training (REST) Act and the Native Educator Support and Training (NEST) Act. These bills work to address the shortages of educators in Montana, both in Indian Country and at large. The REST and NEST Acts strengthen teacher workforce by providing scholarships, loan forgiveness, and professional development opportunities to educators who commit to work in rural schools. Montana’s future leaders deserve the best of the best when it comes to their education, and getting America’s brightest teachers in rural classrooms is the first step.

He is also working with teachers, parents, school board members, and administrators to ensure that policies coming out of Washington D.C. don’t stifle creativity in the classroom. He helped roll back provisions of No Child Left Behind, has passed legislation to strengthen local control over our state’s schools, and has pushed back against efforts to privatize public education and divert critical resources away from schools with limited resources.

Jon believes education doesn’t stop at high school, and he is working to make it easier for Montanans to continue learning. He knows to achieve this, we’ve got to make college more affordable and ensure job training and apprenticeship programs stay up and running. By restoring year-round Pell Grants, supporting the Perkins Loan and Public Service Loan Forgiveness Programs, and continuing investments in to programs like Job Corps and TRIO, Jon is fighting to ensure that a price tag does not determine anyone’s opportunity to learn.


Public Lands

Jon knows that in Montana outdoor recreation is more than a hobby—it’s a way of life. Because Montana boasts some of the most beautiful views of National Parks, rivers, streams, and wildlife the country has to offer, Montanans know how important it is to protect public lands.

Outdoor recreation is one of Montana’s biggest and fastest growing industries. In fact, hunting, fishing, hiking, and camping generate more than $7 billion and sustain 71,000 jobs across the state each year.

Jon is fighting to keep public lands in public hands. In January 2019, the Jon’s bill to permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) was signed into law. Funded through offshore oil and gas development revenue, LWCF has invested more than $540 million to support Montana’s outdoor economy since 1965—all without costing the taxpayers a dime. Jon continues pushing to ensure that LWCF is fully, permanently funded for generations to come.

In a collaborative effort between Montana ranchers, loggers, mountain bikers, snowmobilers, and business owners, Jon also crafted and introduced the Blackfoot Clearwater Stewardship Act. This made-in-Montana bill protects thousands of acres of public land, ensures future generations can access outdoor recreational opportunities, and strengthens Montana’s outdoor economy. The bill received a hearing last Congress and continues to pick up momentum.

Jon is working hard to protect Montana’s iconic landscapes for future generations. His bipartisan Yellowstone Gateway Protection Act was signed into law, protecting the doorstep of the nation’s first National Park and 30,000 acres of public land from industrial mining. He successfully led the bipartisan Rocky Mountain Front Heritage Act and the North Fork Protection Act, which ensure these treasured places can be enjoyed for future generations.

Health Care

Health Care

Jon is working to increase access and affordability to health care across Montana.

Protecting Medicare for seniors, and Medicaid for working families is critical to Montana’s future.

Folks have paid into Medicare their whole lives, and they shouldn’t have the rug pulled out from under them by Washington politicians. That’s why Jon will protect Medicare from being privatized or turned into a voucher system.

Jon also wants to make sure that regardless of whether folks get hurt in the oil fields of the Bakken, skiing near Yellowstone, or farming in Fort Benton, they have affordable health care options nearby.

The current health care system is not perfect, but it has helped rural hospitals and community health centers stay afloat. It has provided working families with coverage for the first time. And it has stopped big insurance companies from denying folks coverage because of a pre-existing condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, or asthma.

Jon knows that Montana families are facing rising premiums and he is willing to work with anyone to lower the cost of health care.


Infrastructure & Technology

Connecting the Last Best Place to the rest of the country and the world requires strong, reliable, and up-to-date infrastructure and technology. Investments in roads, bridges, and airports ensure that Montana’s communities remain safely linked. Access to reliable internet and television broadcasts ensures Montana businesses can succeed in a modern economy, and gives folks the opportunity to connect across the state and beyond. As a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Technology, Jon is leading the charge in providing rural America with access to the same technology and resources given to urban areas.

Jon is backing the Broadband DATA Act, which expands rural broadband coverage by directing the Federal Communications Commission to build more accurate broadband coverage maps. In order to reinstate Net Neutrality, Jon is a cosponsor of the Save the Internet Act of 2019, ensuring rural communities remain competitive when selling products online. And to make sure rural America isn’t left behind, Jon is fighting to make sure Montana and other rural communities are at the forefront of consideration in the race to develop a nationwide 5G wireless network.

Using his seat on the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee, Jon has successfully secured grant funding for Montana airports, transportation projects, broadband, and water systems.

Social Security


Jon is a staunch advocate for Montana’s seniors, fighting to fund and protect Medicare, Social Security, Meals on Wheels and Senior Corps, initiatives that help seniors lead healthy, independent lives.

Jon believes Social Security is an essential benefit that seniors have paid into and earned over a lifetime of hard work. For many folks, it is their sole source of retirement income-so it has to be there for Montana’s seniors when they need it. That’s why Jon opposes any plan to privatize Social Security or reduce benefits. He’s working with Democrats, Republicans and Independents to make sure the program stays solvent-not just for today’s seniors, but for their kids and grandkids as well.

Jon also knows Medicare ensures seniors have access to quality affordable health care, which is why he opposes any initiative that would cut Medicare or turn it into a voucher system. Instead, Jon is working to strengthen Medicare by making sure doctors and hospitals get fair reimbursement rates so that it is financially feasible for doctors to see older patients.

Montanans work hard to enjoy their retirement years, and that is why Jon has fought hard against attempts to charge Montanans in their 50’s and 60’s more for life saving health insurance.



As Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee, Jon is one of Congress’ most effective advocates for veterans. He is committed to working with both Republicans and Democrats to hold VA accountable, pass meaningful legislative reforms, and follow through on this country’s steadfast commitment to the men and women who have served.

Jon knows we must work to improve access to health care, benefits, jobs, education, transportation, and housing for veterans. And he believes that Congress must take their marching orders from veterans— not the other way around. That’s why Jon routinely holds veteran hearings and meetings in Montana to hear from veterans face-to-face.

Tester is spearheading legislation to ensure that all veterans are getting the benefits and care they’ve earned. He teamed up with Republicans to pass the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act into law, to ensure that more veterans who were exposed to Agent Orange can access essential care and benefits. In a political climate when not much is getting done in Washington, Jon successfully worked with Republicans and President Trump to push this bill over the finish line.

He is also continuing to hold VA accountable by making sure that they implement the VA MISSION Act as intended by Congress. Jon is also pushing legislation protecting veterans’ disability payments and calling on VA to implement strategies to relieve financial burdens on veterans in Montana and across the country. And he’s pushing to change the VA’s approach to veterans’ mental health care and suicide prevention through his bipartisan Commander John Scott Hannon Veterans Mental Health Care Improvement Act of 2019.

As the number of women in the military increase, Jon is also spearheading a number of bills including the Deborah Sampson Act, focused on improving VA services to empower and better serve women veterans.

Jon believes veterans deserve action. And they also deserve elected officials who will stand up for them, not stand in their way. He is deeply grateful for the many sacrifices veterans have made for this nation, and he won’t stop until the men and women in uniform receive the quality benefits and care they have earned.

Energy & Environment

Montana is home to vast amounts of wind, solar, coal, geothermal, hydro, and natural gas resources.

Jon believes in a robust energy portfolio that taps into all of Montana’s energy resources to create good-paying jobs and generate critical tax revenue for schools and infrastructure projects, while powering homes and businesses across this country.

Jon also knows the climate is changing. He sees it firsthand on his farm, where planting and harvesting seasons are beginning earlier each year.

Jon envisions an energy economy that supports high-paying jobs and addresses the threat of climate change—an energy economy powered by Montana commonsense.

That’s why Jon has worked across the aisle to introduce legislation that will help burn coal cleaner and capture the carbon emissions from coal-powered plants.

Jon has also introduced legislation to strengthen the renewable energy sector and ensure Montana’s public lands are being used responsibly to support energy jobs.

Montana’s energy future is bright. Jon will work to keep these good-paying jobs and protect clean air and clean water for future generations.

Indian Affairs

Jon grew up just down the road from Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation in northcentral Montana, and he believes that the U.S. Government must uphold its treaty and trust responsibilities to Indian Country.

As a senior member of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee, Jon has worked closely with Tribal nations to expand resources at the Indian Health Service, increase investments in Tribal schools, and secure resources and expand jurisdiction for Tribal Law Enforcement agencies.

Jon has led the charge in the fight against the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women crisis by pushing the Senate Indian Affairs Committee to pass bills focusing on addressing violence in Indian Country.

Jon has a long history of advocating for strengthening Tribal sovereignty and self-determination, and he is making sure that Tribal leaders have the tools they need to increase opportunity and boost local economies.

Jon regularly visits each Montana Indian Reservation, sits down with Tribal leaders and families, and brings their concerns straight back to the Senate.

Regardless of whether the debate is about health care, education, or infrastructure, Jon is always pushing to empower Native voices, and make sure they have a seat at the table.


From health care to education, jobs and equal pay, Jon works hard every day on the issues that matter most to Montana women and ensures they have a voice in Congress.

Gender should have no bearing on a paycheck, which is why Jon is sponsoring legislation like the Paycheck Fairness Act and the Even the Playing Field Act to end the gender pay gap. Equal work deserves equal worth. It’s as simple as that.

Jon knows that no one should stand between a woman and her doctor and that all Montanans deserve high quality care. He firmly believes in a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, continues to support Title X family planning programs despite recent challenges in the courts, and backs Planned Parenthood funding. Jon is working with bipartisan partners in pushing the Department of Veterans Affairs to take steps to improve the quality of care for women veterans.

Jon has always been surrounded by strong women, and every day he fights for policies to ensure that his granddaughters have the exact same opportunities to succeed as his grandsons.

Tim Sheehy

Source: Campaign Page

Supporting Montana Agriculture
I stand in full support of Montana farmers and ranchers and know firsthand the challenges we face with the over consolidation of corporate agriculture, as well as the introduction of foreign entities into the American food system. Along with a fellow Navy SEAL, we founded Little Belt Cattle Company, to keep high quality Montana beef in Montana. We forged a vertically integrated beef supply chain where we raise, finish, and process premium beef 100% in Montana. I believe in fair prices for our hard-working producers and a secure food supply for our nation—and have shown this in my direct participation and investment in production agriculture here in Montana.

My wife Carmen and I feel very fortunate to be able to expose our four children to the tradition of cattle ranching in Montana on our working cattle ranch. I will be a dedicated advocate for all of us in the agriculture community, of which our family is very proud to be part.

As a veteran and founder of Bridger Aerospace, I have made a commitment to hire hundreds of Montana veterans and put their skill set and experience to work in our mission to fight wildfires and protect our public lands and our communities.

I’m tired of seeing career politicians play politics with our veterans. Montana veterans were promised health care, but many are still struggling to access the care they need in a timely manner. Between having to drive long distances to access care to lost records at the VA, our veterans deserve so much better.

The federal government must stop overlooking our veteran community. Montana veterans will have no bigger advocate for them than by electing a fellow veteran to fight for them and fulfill the promise our nation made to them.

Social Security and Medicare
We must keep our commitment to every Montana senior to protect their Social Security and Medicare benefits. Our nation made a promise to our seniors, and I will fight each and every day to honor that promise and preserve the benefits they’ve earned.

National Security
I will never forget how I felt on 9/11. That day motivated me to serve our nation in combat. Watching Joe Biden squander the sacrifices we made with the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, I knew it was time to serve our country once again. The politicians in Washington are more concerned with their political careers than securing America’s future. They’ve empowered our adversaries like China, opened our borders, shut down American energy production, and created economic uncertainty. We need to fund our military and stand strong against China, secure our southern border, and once again, make America energy dominant and independent.

As the father of four children, I am proudly Pro-Life. My wife, Carmen, and I couldn’t imagine life without our children. I believe the most precious gift from God is life and that we have a responsibility to protect and defend the most vulnerable in our society from our children to our seniors. We have also helped bring the upgraded neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) to the Gallatin Valley, showing our commitment to providing critical care to at-risk infants.

I stand in strong support of IVF as a path for Montana families to grow and thrive when they struggle to conceive naturally, like my brother and sister-in-law who battled infertility for three years, and eventually were blessed with my nephew through IVF. I will fight against any effort to restrict IVF treatments for women and families.

It’s unfortunate that what gets lost in this debate is that Jon Tester supports elective abortion on demand up until the moment of birth. Think about that again: Jon Tester supports aborting a healthy, full-term baby the day before it’s due. That is the extreme position here.

Health Care
Our health care system is broken. Because of Obamacare, Montanans face higher premiums year after year. We’ve lost access to doctors and health care plans we were told we could keep. More government control of our health care has only made things worse. Like most Montanans, I believe we need to promote greater transparency, competition, and shopping for services in our health care system. We should be rewarding outcomes and innovation, improving access to care in our rural communities, and most importantly, protecting Montanans with pre-existing conditions.

Gun Rights
I will fight back against any attempt by liberal politicians like Joe Biden and Jon Tester from pursuing a radical gun control agenda that threatens our Second Amendment rights. Our right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. As a Navy SEAL who fought for our country and to protect our freedoms, this is a fundamental constitutional right that must and will always be protected under my watch.

Forest Management
After our military service, my wife Carmen and I started a Montana business and built one of the largest aerial firefighting companies in America, creating 200 Montana jobs. I have a unique perspective on what the federal government is failing to address when it comes to tackling wildfires—they need to let Montana start managing our federal lands.

We also need to stand strong against the radical environmentalists who are suing and shutting down timber projects with frivolous litigation. If we can responsibly manage our forests, we can harvest timber, create high-paying jobs, and reduce the threat of wildfires.

Fiscal Responsibility
We have a $32 trillion debt. $32 trillion. The spending in Washington is out of control, and the career politicians are doing absolutely nothing to rein in this out-of-control spending. We must balance the budget and begin to lower our national debt.

As a business owner and father of four, I know what it’s like to balance a checkbook – but D.C. continues to spend like drunken sailors, and now we’re all paying the cost.

I’m committed to ensuring that politicians who fail to pass a balanced budget don’t get paid because our country’s economic security should never be jeopardized for the sake of politics. You are not allowed to run your business that way, and they shouldn’t be allowed to run our nation that way.

Parents must be at the forefront of their child’s education, and it’s important that we have more choice in our education system so parents and kids can find the best solution that fits their unique individual learning needs.

We also need to get politics out of the classroom and end the woke social agenda infecting our schools. Let’s teach kids how to think – not what to think. Let’s focus on the fundamentals of reading, writing, and arithmetic. And above all, we need leaders in Washington to stop things like drag queen story time from replacing the Lord’s Prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance in our classrooms.

Economy & Energy
President Biden and Jon Tester’s reckless policies have given us record high inflation, rising grocery prices, and higher energy costs. I will work to end the out-of-control spending and the disastrous economic policies that are crushing Montana families and small businesses.

We must repeal the new EPA job-killing energy regulations and mandates that the Democrats put on our economy that are driving up costs and preventing us from being energy independent – this serves only to embolden our adversaries and makes energy costs soar for hardworking Montanans. We must also take a strong stand against the disastrous socialist Green New Deal that would destroy Montana’s economy and jobs and devastate our communities.

It’s time to make America energy independent and dominant once again. We can power America’s resurgence with the greatest form of energy known to man, our God given natural resources. We are blessed here with abundant coal, minerals, timber and grasslands – let’s make sure Montana producers come first. We should be able to responsibly develop those resources here at home to create more high-paying jobs, lower energy costs, and support our communities, all while protecting the environment. This isn’t an either/or choice like the left would have you believe. We can do both.

Border Security
As a Navy SEAL, I’ve served overseas and seen firsthand what happens when you have a porous border. What’s happening at the southern border is an absolute crisis, and it gets worse each day under the Biden administration and with career politicians like Jon Tester who talk a tough game about border security but aren’t getting the job done. The result of an open southern border is more crime and drugs flooding into our country and into our Montana communities. We need to take a strong stand and secure our border, finish the wall, and finally put an end to illegal immigration once and for all.